
Email automation - 2

This is the third post about mail automation. (You find the second here.)

“Hey Lars can you help us?” I was approached by a  colleague asking for help with a scheme for distributing mails to users before (and after) they were migrated to a new AD.
“We need an Excel sheet sorted by date where we can see when we should send the 2 and 1 weeks in advance warnings, the day before migration mail, the day after confirmation mail and the 2 weeks after evaluation mail.”
“Do you really need that, it’s sounds complicated just for keeping track of some mails.”
“It’s about 60.000 mails, and there will be a larger batch later on”
I started to realize this could be lot’s of work,  so I tried “Go and buy a professional mail package or ask a service provider.”
“We do not have time, you know how it is, it takes time to create a business case and have that approved and then make the solution work.”
Yes, I know how it is, it takes time so I said “Let me see what I can do. What do you have?”
My colleague sent me an Excel sheet with all recipients and mail info and then there was the timezone of the users. “Are the users spread out all over the globe?”
“Does it matter if some mails arrives one day early or late depending on time zone” I asked.
“We do not really know how to handle that situation.”
“Let me see what I can do” I said again.

I had an idea in the back of my head to turn my Data Warehouse into a mail generator, the Data Warehouse already have most tools needed for mail automation. First thing, restructure the Excel sheet into a MySQL database.

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