
pChart eye candy graphs from the Data Warehouse

Some weeks ago I implemented support for Python in the Data Warehouse for no reason at all. That was not entirely true I had in mind to introduce graphical support in the Data Warehouse. For some reason I thought there should be better alternatives with Python. I wanted to implement eye candy, a simple way to produce good looking static graphs. A problem with graphs there are so many parameters you have to set to produce nice looking graphs and that is what eye candy is all about. The graphs I had in mind should be practical for the eye rather than the neocortex, for those graphs we use the heavy artillery Qlikview. While searching for a free, easy to use graphical package I found pChart 2.0 written in PHP. You can do all kinds of advanced graphical stuff with pChart, much more than required for my eye candy. pChart is a great software product, while working with it I like it more and more.

I decided to implement a bar chart with optional superimposed line-graphs and make it pretty.
I decided to create a special sql converter for pChart bar and line graphs, which pre-formats SQL result for pChart and feed the result into a PHP program tailored for pChart eye candy. This is the ITL script I used for my first attempt:
<job name='crtGraph01' type='script' pgm='pgraph04.php' >
   <image name='dwstat.png' lh='1500x345' type='bar01' sdwhight='56'  header='Data Warehouse statistics' footer='Data Warehouse statistics - @MONTH'>
   <bardata columns='@J_crtData01/stem0'  axisname='Jobs' series='column.Month'>
     <labels array='@J_crtData/report1'/>
   <linedata columns='@J_crtData01/stem1'/>

Pgraph04.php is my php script producing the graph. Bar- and line-data comes from a preceding sql job, producing job and MySQL statistics from the Data Warehouses. The other tags are parameters to Pgraph.
And this the result:

Here you  the graph on twitter. I think the result is great but the text is too small to read. After some tweaking I came up with this improved Graph


It is still hard to read the text in twitter format, but it is much better now. Still these graphs are not intended for this small format. I had mails and other reports in mind for these eye candy graphs. and this is how the ITL script looks:
<job name='crtGraph01' type='script' pgm='pgraph04.php' >
   <image name='dwstat.png' lh='1500x345' type='bar01' sdwhight='56' fontsize='13' footer='Data Warehouse statistics - @MONTH'>
   <bardata columns='@J_crtData01/stem0'  axisname='Jobs' series='column.Month'>
     <labels array='@J_crtData/report1'/>
   <linedata columns='@J_crtData01/stem1'/>
   <arrowlabel center='1373,52' color='blue' label='@MONTH'/>

If you take a close look at the upper right corner, you see the result of the <arrowlabel> tag. If you change the <bardata> tag to <stackedbardata>, the result will look like this:

The format is too wide for this stacked bar graph to look pretty. By changing the length/height ratio to 1300x800:
<job name='crtGraph01' type='script' pgm='pgraph04.php' >
   <image name='dwstat.png' lh='1300x800' type='bar01' sdwhight='56' fontsize='13' footer='Data Warehouse statistics - @MONTH'>
   <stackedbardata columns='@J_crtData01/stem0'  axisname='Jobs' series='column.Month' displayvalues='yes'>
     <labels array='@J_crtData/report1'/>
   <linedata columns='@J_crtData01/stem1'/>
   <arrowlabel center='1175,52' color='blue' label='@MONTH'/>

You get a graph like this:

This result is at least prettier, you have to play a little with graph type and size depending on your data to get a nice looking graph.
With very little effort I can produce eye candy. I have not done graphics programming before and it has taken much time, many more hours than I anticipated to write the code that produce these graphs. It has been a very tedious trial and error process, but I learned a lot and it’s nice to have a simple workflow to create these graphs. 
In the next post I'll present the SQL converter and PHP script that creates the eye candy graphs.

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